
The accuracy of CNC machined parts depends on many factors, including part design, tool selection, tool path programming, fixture fixation, and so on.


Different industries have different precision requirements for parts, such as medical, aerospace, automotive, chemical and other industries have relatively high precision requirements for parts. Of course, there are many other industries that also have high precision requirements for parts, and some industries do not have so high precision requirements for parts. They pay more attention to the stability of parts accuracy, that is, the size difference between parts should be as small as possible.


So how do CNC machining factories ensure the accuracy of parts?


CNC milling machine accuracy: 3 measurements


The overall accuracy of the milling machine is determined by three different measurements: position accuracy, repetition accuracy, and tolerance.


Accuracy of position


Position accuracy is equal to the difference between the distance between the specified points on the part and the actual measured distance between those points after milling. For CNC milling machines, accuracy depends on the ability to follow the programming path. The processing plant determines the position accuracy of the milling machine by measuring and calculating the statistical average of the deviation.


Accuracy of repetition


The precision of the milling machine is defined by precisely repeating the same commands so that the same results are obtained one by one. Similar to precision, the precision of a CNC milling machine is calculated by multiple measurements when setting the cutting path. Accuracy is measured in the repeatability of cutting the same exact path, resulting in repeated, exact copies of parts.


The tolerance


The goal of CNC milling machines is to keep them within specified tolerances by repeatedly maintaining high positioning accuracy. For example, imagine shooting an arrow at a target. The distance between the arrow and the bull 's-eye measures accuracy.


How to judge the precision of NC machining


In order to maintain the accuracy required for parts, good machine processing plants prioritize the following in their processes and procedures:


Working Environment:


Accuracy depends on the working environment that provides stable conditions, such as temperature and humidity.


Equipment Status:


The precision of a CNC milling machine requires continuous preventive maintenance to keep all equipment in perfect working order.


Calibration of machine:


The machine periodically recalibrates all precision milling machines to maintain factory Settings.


Tool Monitoring:


Monitor cutting tools, and maintain and replace them according to their condition.




In order to minimize the impact of vibration, the workpiece needs to be secured with a suitable fixture.


Mechanic Experience:


Experienced mechanics are more likely to understand the nuances that lead to the manufacture of precise parts.




Experienced manufacturing engineers understand how to effectively make precise CNC milling machine parts using different tools in different methods and at different speeds.

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