With the rapid development of industry, sheet metal processing can be used in industry can be seen everywhere in life, such as in automobiles, machinery factories, furniture, lamps, and lanterns, so widely used.
With the rapid development of industry, sheet metal processing can be used in industry can be seen everywhere in life, such as in automobiles, machinery factories, furniture, lamps, and lanterns, so widely used. But in addition to sheet metal processing, do we know how much hardware processing? What's the difference between the two? Since many users don't know this, Bergek will explain it in detail.
And sheet metal refers to the thickness of the plate processing skills, sheet metal processing, and hardware has a substantial difference, mainly shear, folding, bonding, and other production process. The hardware side naturally includes sheet metal and a variety of sheet metal parts.
Sheet metal fabrication stamping is a common way, stamping skills are generally divided into two categories, respectively, and forming process.
1, the process is in the stamping process to make the stamping parts and billets along a certain contour line respectively, together with the quality of the sections of the stamping parts should also meet certain needs, these needs are the needs of the early customer choice.
2, the forming process is to make the stamping blank in the condition of no damage to the attack of plastic deformation, and turn into the required shape of the finished product, together should also be satisfied with the scale of the process and other requirements.
Sheet metal is a generalization of cold working skills for metal sheets, including shearing, punching/cutting/compounding, folding, welding, riveting, splicing, forming, etc. Its obvious feature is the same part thickness together. Generally speaking, the base equipment includes a shearing machine, CNC punch, plasma, water jet cutting machine, compound machine, bending machine, and various auxiliary equipment such as uncoiler, leveling machine, deburring machine, spot welding machine, and so on.
Hardware refers to the general name of gold, silver, copper, iron, and tin five kinds of metal information, hardware is the mother of industry, the foundation of national defense, hardware information output of goods is usually only divided into two categories of hardware and hardware.
1, hardware refers to a steel plate, steel bar, flat iron, universal Angle steel, channel iron, I-iron, and various types of iron and steal information.
2, hardware for building hardware, tin, lock nails, wire, wire mesh, wire scissors, family hardware, all kinds of things, and so on.
The nature and use of hardware points should be divided into iron and steal information, non-iron metal information, mechanical parts, transmission devices, auxiliary things, working things, building hardware, family hardware and other eight categories, each kind of hardware has a different use and role, can be specified according to their own needs to select.
What is the difference between sheet metal fabrication and hardware processing? In addition, it should be noted that many manufacturers do processing services in the industry, but the process is also different. We should understand the process that can be done by the processing plant and then decide which one to choose.
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